Microscopic Explorations, Insect and Light is the very fine sequel to Astronomy, Birds and Magnetism. With 60+ activities in 42 lessons, this kit provides enough once-a-week hands-on science to last the whole school year and then some.
The box is packed full with enough supplies for two children working together. Includes all the lessons from Microscopic Explorations, Insect and Light.
We designed this set to be hands-on experiments to draw children in and let them be the scientists. Almost no parent prep is needed, Everything needed is in the box.
We chose activities that were so engaging that children should remember what they've learned, not for a week, but for years.
Microscopic Explorations, Insects and Light
This kit is designed for one or two children who could work together as lab partners.
NEW! Create your own
2-in-1 kit or 3-in-1 kit and save money.
Save $10 for each topic beyond the first [savings included in prices shown].
Or use this to double or triple the equipment in any one topic.
Choose First Topic . . .
then Second Topic . . .
and Third Topic (optional)
Microscopic Explorations, Insects & Light
comes with all the lessons and equipment found in Microscopic Explorations. Discovering Insects and The Wonders of Light science kits.
To see a full list of equipment and lessons, as well as many sample lessons, visit those pages (below).